Selection process and motivation
HR function pursues an idea of a team capable of solving strategic tasks; it provides the Company with highly qualified personnel and focuses on the advanced development of the Company's professional capacities.
VIZ-Steel’s HR policy is based on the principles of social partnership between the employees and the employer; on their shared responsibility for the results of their labour; on ensuring a safe working environment; on performance-driven remuneration for labour; on ensuring equal opportunities for all workers; on delivering on all social guarantees and benefits; and on implementing additional corporate social programmes.
VIZ-Steel creates favourable working conditions and motivates the staff to work effectively. VIZ-Steel uses a competitive remuneration system and other ways to motivate employees, including flexible and equitable remuneration, bonuses for performance, extended social benefits, and opportunities for professional development.
Key principles and approaches in the area of social support are regulated by collective agreements in place. Social packages include provisions for employee health and welfare, catering and recreation, occupational health and safety, motherhood and childhood support, support for pensioners, veterans, and further social incentives for the best workers as well as a variety of social payments.
Health and welfare
The health and welfare of VIZ-Steel employees are a priority focus of the Company’s social activities. A key emphasis is placed on forming a welfare culture, the need to keep a healthy lifestyle and improve one’s psychological and physical health.
VIZ-Steel employees have the opportunity to make annual visits to health resorts and spas in the best resort areas of Russia. VIZ-Steel pays for its employees’ prosthetics, surgical operations, expensive medicines, conducts medical examinations and free preventive vaccination.