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- VIZ-Steel keeps on upgrading its GOES quality control equipment
VIZ-Steel keeps on upgrading its GOES quality control equipment

Slitting lines at Cold Rolling Shop of VIZ Steel (part of NLMK Group) were equipped with digital gauge control systems. New equipment allows improving quality control of GO steel as thickness uniformity influences magnetic properties, a key parameter of the Company’s products.
The Company invested RUB 34 million into installation of two thickness gauges of new generation.
The first gauge controls and gives warnings. If steel parameters deviate from the valid standards, it sends a signal, whereupon an operator stops the process line and removes the defective strip area. The target of the second one is additional control and recording of steel product thickness along coil length for final certification of the product quality.
The VIZ Steel’s programme of gauge fleet renewal has been in effect since 2018. 10 gauges out of 23 were replaced in this period. The Company is going to install another 6 new measuring systems in rolling and finishing areas before the end of 2021. By 2023, 100% of this equipment will have been renewed.
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